The Best Estate Planning Software for Attorneys in 2023

As estate planning attorneys, finding the best estate planning software is crucial for staying up-to-date with the latest planning strategies and ensuring a smooth process for your clients. This article will analyze some of the top options accessible today, examining their advantages and noteworthy characteristics to consider when selecting.

We’ll start by discussing various types of estate planning software, their benefits, and key features to look for when making a decision. Next, we’ll delve into our recommendations for the best estate planning software for attorneys, including Quicken WillMaker Plus, LegalZoom Last Will and Testament Package, Nolo’s Online Living Trust Package, and Rocket Lawyer Last Will and Testament Package.

Finally, we’ll provide advice on selecting the ideal software for your particular legal requirements. By considering factors like your goals, researching different options thoroughly, and reading reviews from other legal professionals in your field, you’ll be able to make an informed choice that will ultimately enhance your legal practice management capabilities.

Estate Planning Software Overview

As a legal professional, we know you recognize the significance of estate planning for your clients. To help streamline this process and ensure accuracy, many lawyers are turning to estate planning software. This article will provide an overview of what these programs offer and how they can benefit your practice.

Types of Estate Planning Software

There are several types of estate planning software available on the market today, each with its own unique features and capabilities. 

Some common categories include:

  • Document drafting tools: These programs assist in creating essential documents such as legal wills, trusts, durable power of attorney documents, healthcare directives, etc., using templates or customizable legal forms.
  • Tax calculation tools: Tax-focused software helps attorneys calculate potential tax implications related to their client’s estate plan.
  • Clients management systems: Programs that allow you to store client details securely while also providing a platform for collaboration between team members working on a case.

Benefits of Using Estate Planning Software

Incorporating estate planning software into your practice offers numerous benefits such as:

  • Saving time and increasing efficiency: The automation provided by these tools allows attorneys to complete tasks more quickly than if done manually—freeing up valuable time for other aspects of their work.
  • Maintaining accuracy: Estate planning is complex; utilizing specialized software reduces the risk of errors when drafting important documents.
  • Enhancing organization: Many legal management software programs offer specific features that help keep client information, case notes, and documents organized in one central location.
  • Staying up-to-date with laws: Estate planning software is regularly updated to reflect changes in state and federal laws—ensuring your clients’ wishes, special needs, and plans are always compliant.

Features to Look for in Estate Planning Software

When evaluating estate planning software options, consider the following essential features:

  • User-friendly interface: The program should be easy to navigate and use by attorneys of varying levels of tech-savviness.
  • Customizable templates: A good estate planning tool will allow you to modify existing document templates or create new ones from scratch based on your clients’ unique needs.
  • Secure data storage: Client confidentiality is paramount. It’s important to ensure the software offers robust security measures for protecting sensitive information.
  • Integrations with other tools: The ability to integrate with other programs (such as legal practice management software) can streamline workflows even further.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to learn more about estate planning services and best practices while also enjoying an incredible vacation, consider attending the Waikiki Estate Planning Conference hosted by Destination CLEs.

This Eduvacation℠ conference in Hawaii will offer CLE sessions on estate planning topics such as “Drafting Documents, the Fees, and Follow-Ups,” “Trusts & Strategies of All Kinds,” and “The Financial Planning Side of Estate Planning,” among others, while leaving plenty of free time to explore the island!

Click here to register before spots fill up!

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The Best Estate Planning Software for Attorneys in 2023 from Destination CLEs at

Best Estate Planning Software for Attorneys

Estate planning software can be a valuable tool for attorneys to use in order to help their clients create legally binding documents that protect their assets and provide peace of mind. However, in today’s fast-paced legal environment, attorneys need to make sure their estate planning software is reliable and efficient to help them manage their clients’ needs effectively. 

Here are some of the best estate planning software options available for attorneys:

LegalZoom Last Will and Testament Package

The LegalZoom Last Will and Testament Package provides a user-friendly platform for creating personalized last wills and testaments online. With this package, you can access state-specific templates designed by experienced attorneys to ensure compliance with local laws while drafting these crucial documents.

Nolo’s Quicken WillMaker Plus

Nolo’s Online Living Trust Package enables you to create revocable living trusts efficiently. The package comes with detailed instructions on how to set up your trust correctly, as well as ongoing support from Nolo’s team of experts if needed. Check out Nolo’s Quicken Willmaker & Trust for additional legal services.

Rocket Lawyer Last Will and Testament Package

With the Rocket Lawyer Last Will and Testament Package, you can create customized wills tailored to your clients’ specific needs. This software provides an intuitive interface and a vast selection of legal documents and materials. Additionally, Rocket Lawyer provides users with attorney support for any common questions or concerns that may arise during the process.

As estate planning attorneys, it’s important to weigh your options carefully when choosing a software to make sure the option you select fits your needs. Likewise, it’s important to remain informed about industry advancements and developments. 

One way to do this is to take advantage of professional development opportunities, such as the upcoming Estate Planning Eduvacation℠ conference hosted by Destination CLEs in Hawaii. This event combines CLE sessions with a vacation experience in one of the world’s most beautiful locations. Trust us, you don’t want to miss it!

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The Best Estate Planning Software for Attorneys in 2023 from Destination CLEs at

Tips for Choosing the Right Estate Planning Software for Your Needs

Determining which estate planning software is best suited for your law practice can be a complex task with the abundance of options available. 

To help you make an informed decision, consider these tips:

Consider Your Needs and Goals

Evaluate your specific needs as a legal counsel and what goals you want to achieve with the software. For instance, do you need a comprehensive solution that covers various aspects of estate planning or just an online service to draft a simple will? Keep in mind that some programs may offer different services such as trust software tools or financial calculators.

Research Different Options Thoroughly

Spend time researching different estate planning software solutions before making a decision. Compare their features, pricing plans, ease of use, and customer support services. You can also attend industry events like Destination CLEs’ Eduvacation℠ conference on Estate Planning in Waikiki this December, where you’ll have the opportunity to network with other attorneys in this field and learn about new products in the market that offer the best value.

Read Reviews from Other Attorneys

Gather feedback from colleagues who have used different estate planning software packages by asking them about their experiences and recommendations. Additionally, you can read online reviews from reputable sources like legal blogs or professional forums where lawyers discuss their favorite document management tools.

However, it’s important to be cautious when relying solely on user reviews, since they might not always provide accurate information. Some reviewers may have had unique circumstances affecting their experience with the product, so keep this in mind when sifting through online reviews.

Ask Questions Before Making a Decision

Before committing to a specific estate planning software, reach out to the provider and ask any questions you may have. This could include inquiries about technical support, software updates, legal guides, data security measures, or even training and educational resources for your staff.

By considering these tips when choosing an estate planning software solution for your practice, you’ll be better equipped to find the right fit that helps streamline your workflow and improve client satisfaction.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Finding the Best Estate Planning Software for Attorneys

What legal software do lawyers use?

Lawyers use a variety of legal software depending on their practice area and specific needs. Some popular options include case management systems like Clio Manage, MyCase, or PracticePanther; document automation tools such as HotDocs or Contract Express; research platforms like Westlaw or LexisNexis; and estate planning software like Quicken WillMaker Plus, LegalZoom Last Will and Testament Package, Nolo’s Online Living Trust Package, and Rocket Lawyer Last Will and Testament Package.

What is the most common form of estate planning?

The most common form of estate planning is creating a last will and testament. This document outlines how an individual’s assets should be distributed upon their death, names the legal guardians or family members who will take care of minor children if applicable, appoints an executor to manage the estate during probate proceedings, and may also include instructions for funeral arrangements. American Bar Association provides more information about wills.

Is Free Will legit?

If you’re referring to free online services that offer assistance in drafting a simple last will and testament without charge: yes, they can be legitimate. However, they might not cover all of your specific needs or the specific state laws applicable to your case. It’s important to ensure that any free service used complies with your state’s laws regarding the valid execution of a will. Regardless, consulting with an attorney who specializes in estate planning remains the best choice for addressing complex situations or ensuring full compliance with local regulations.

What’s the difference between a will and a living trust?

A will, also known as a “last will & testament,” directs how assets are distributed after an individual’s death and goes through probate. A living trust, on the other hand, is a legal entity created during one’s lifetime to hold and manage assets for the benefit of named beneficiaries. Assets in a living trust avoid probate, providing privacy and potentially reducing estate administration costs. For more information on living trusts, visit Nolo’s Living Trust FAQ.


It’s always a good idea to research and compare the best estate planning software for attorneys before making a decision to make sure you’re getting the best software that fits your needs. 

Plus, the Destination CLEs Estate Planning Conference in Waikiki, Hawaii this December is a great opportunity to learn more about estate planning topics from experts while enjoying some time away in paradise. 

Click here to book your spot and start planning your winter escape! 


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